• Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

    Here is list of Average GRE Scores required for admission into US Universities. Average GRE Scores means the average of GRE score of all applicants accepted in a University or Graduate Schools in USA. You can look into average GRE score to find out what range of GRE scores a university is accepting. Minimum GRE, Maximum GRE score of the applicants will be around this average score.

    If you are applying to competitive majors like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, add a score of 5 + to the verbal and Quant scores below. If you are from non-engineering majors you may do 5- in each sections to get your required Revised GRE score to apply to a university.

    Average GRE scores for top US Universities

    Here is a list of US universities with the average Revised GRE scores for their MS and PhD programs

    US Universities listed by GRE Scores >>

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA >>

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 159
    Writing: 5.3

    Stanford University:
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 158
    Writing: 4.8

    University of California, Berkeley:
    Verbal: 153 – 156 score range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.5

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of Virginia:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor:
    Verbal: 160 range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Georgia Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.3

    University of California – San Diego:
    Verbal: 162
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.5

    University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    University of Wisconsin – Madison:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 731
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Washington:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Pennsylvania State University:
    Verbal: 150
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Florida (UFL):
    Verbal: 154
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Texas , Austin:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    Ohio State University:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    California Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 157
    Writing: 5.0

    Duke University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Chicago:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Northwestern University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Washington University in St. Louis:
    Verbal: 161
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Johns Hopkins University:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 164
    Writing: 4.8

    Rice University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    Emory University:
    Verbal: 153
    Quantitative: 306
    Writing: 4.0-6.0

    University of Notre Dame:
    Verbal: 165
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 5.3

    Vanderbilt University:
    Verbal: 157
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.8

    William and Mary:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Johns Hopkins University
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 162
    Writing: 4.2

    Universirty of Texas At Dallas
    Average Verbal Score 150
    Average Quant Score: 163

    Rutgers University
    Average Verbal Score 152
    Average Quant Score: 162

    Please add scores for other US Graduate School GRE score requirements in the Comments.

    Average GRE Scores, GRE Cut off Scores - Duke University
    Comments 224 Comments
    1. akankita's Avatar
      akankita -

      I wish to apply for MS in software engineering for Fall 2013.

      Details :
      GRE - 332 ( V - 162, Q - 170, AWA - 4)
      TOEFL - 109
      CGPA - 75.2% ( BE in Computer Science and Engg)
      Work Exp - 2.2 yrs

      Need some help in selecting the universities.
      Planning on applying to:

      1. Carnegie Mellon
      2. Iowa State
      3. Michigan State
      4. TAMU'
      5. Univ of Maryland - College Park
      6. univ of Wisconsin - Madison
      7. RPI
      8. Univ of Florida, Gainesville
      9. Minnesota, Twin cities
      10. Univ of Illinois, Chicago
      11. Univ of California, Irvine
      12. Illinois State University

      Also, please let me know of ur views on my selection of universities.

    1. 8thelement's Avatar
      8thelement -
      Quote Originally Posted by akankita View Post

      I wish to apply for MS in software engineering for Fall 2013.

      Details :
      GRE - 332 ( V - 162, Q - 170, AWA - 4)
      TOEFL - 109
      CGPA - 75.2% ( BE in Computer Science and Engg)
      Work Exp - 2.2 yrs

      Need some help in selecting the universities.
      Planning on applying to:

      1. Carnegie Mellon
      2. Iowa State
      3. Michigan State
      4. TAMU'
      5. Univ of Maryland - College Park
      6. univ of Wisconsin - Madison
      7. RPI
      8. Univ of Florida, Gainesville
      9. Minnesota, Twin cities
      10. Univ of Illinois, Chicago
      11. Univ of California, Irvine
      12. Illinois State University

      Also, please let me know of ur views on my selection of universities.


      Your academic and score profile is very good. Reputation of your UG college will also count. If you do a good job with your recommendation letters and personal statement, you should be able to get into most of the above programs you picked. With your profile (unless you are from IITs or BITs), I recommend you focus more in the 15-40 ranked schools. Except for Illinois State, all other programs you picked are very good schools. Also, realize that "Software Engineering" is not offered as a degree is most US schools. You should decide if you want to get into "Computer Engineering" or "Computer Science" programs first - depends on your career and academic goals. "Software Engineering" is usually a specialization within Computer Science area.

      You should also consider other good programs like Penn State, Ohio State, Rutgers, Arizona State, NC State, Univ of NC, etc. Also consider that deadlines are approaching for Fall 2013 applications - most of them are in Dec/Jan. Good luck!!
    1. 8thelement's Avatar
      8thelement -
      Quote Originally Posted by akanksha.m View Post
      hiii every one..
      my gre score is 303..(verbal-146 quant-157)
      my cgpa stands around 67%..
      someone plz help to zero in some gud univs..

      Thanks in advance..
      Hi...if you can provide more details like UG college, full GRE scores (incl %), and TOEFL, I can suggest some grad schools for MS in EE.
    1. 8thelement's Avatar
      8thelement -
      Hi...if you can provide more details like UG college, full GRE scores (incl %), and TOEFL, I can suggest some grad schools for MS in EE.
    1. akankita's Avatar
      akankita -
      Quote Originally Posted by 8thelement View Post

      Your academic and score profile is very good. Reputation of your UG college will also count. If you do a good job with your recommendation letters and personal statement, you should be able to get into most of the above programs you picked. With your profile (unless you are from IITs or BITs), I recommend you focus more in the 15-40 ranked schools. Except for Illinois State, all other programs you picked are very good schools. Also, realize that "Software Engineering" is not offered as a degree is most US schools. You should decide if you want to get into "Computer Engineering" or "Computer Science" programs first - depends on your career and academic goals. "Software Engineering" is usually a specialization within Computer Science area.

      You should also consider other good programs like Penn State, Ohio State, Rutgers, Arizona State, NC State, Univ of NC, etc. Also consider that deadlines are approaching for Fall 2013 applications - most of them are in Dec/Jan. Good luck!!

      Thank u for ur reply and suggestion.
    1. Abhi Shek's Avatar
      Abhi Shek -
      hello all
      will u please suggest some univ list for these scores
      gre 306
      ver 147
      quant 159
      awa 2
      toefl 88
      listening 25
      speaking 18
      reading 22
      writing 23
      ug 68%
    1. harshad12's Avatar
      harshad12 -
      Hey buddies
      i've got verbal - 136
      Quantitative - 155
      AWA - 3.0
      TOEFL yet to take
      10th- 74%
      +2 - 78%
      UG -70%
      suggest me good universities accordingly with funding for fall 13
      DEpt - ECE

      I want to do my masters in telecommunication field, please suggest me asap...
    1. nrharsha's Avatar
      nrharsha -
      Hai ,
      Can anyone please suggest the universities for MS in mechanical engineering
      My profile :-
      GRE - 292 , Verbal- 143 , quant-149
      10th - 84.32 %
      12th - 57.33 %
      B.E- 56.36 (upto 7th sem)
      Toefl yet to take
      Thanks in advance ...!!!!!
    1. US $'s Avatar
      US $ -
      Hello Everyone. Kindly evaluate my profile .

      Courses looking for/Applied for: Engineering management/ Industrial management , Operations Research, Industrial Technology ( related to a mix of engineering and management subjects )

      GRE- 296
      AWA: 3.0
      TOEFL: 89
      UG% : 53%

      Done 1 year marine engineering course for transforming my mechanical degree to marine engineering degree.

      marine total training period : 12 months.
      marine total training hours: 1989 hours.
      total score in examination: 728/1000
      percentage: 72.8 %

      done stcw ( safety on sea ) courses and tanker familiarization courses.

      Work experience : 2.5 years and still working as an assistant project manager in a mechanical company.


      University of Dallas - Texas
      University of Texas Arlington
      Bowie State University - Maryland
      Virginia Tech Graduate School
      Illinois Institute of technology
      University of North Texas - Denton.
      Texas Wesleyan University
      Arkansas state university
      Missouri University of Science and technology.
      California state university
      University of Redlands California
      John Hopkins University - Maryland.
      Southern Methodist University
      Widener university.
      Statford University
      Baylor University
      Oklahoma City University

      Kindly suggest me few more universities that suits my profile . thanking You tons in advance.
    1. US $'s Avatar
      US $ -
      Hello Everyone. Kindly evaluate my profile .

      Courses looking for/Applied for: Engineering management/ Industrial management , Operations Research, Industrial Technology ( related to a mix of engineering and management subjects )

      GRE- 296
      AWA: 3.0
      TOEFL: 89
      UG% : 53%

      Done 1 year marine engineering course for transforming my mechanical degree to marine engineering degree.

      marine total training period : 12 months.
      marine total training hours: 1989 hours.
      total score in examination: 728/1000
      percentage: 72.8 %

      done stcw ( safety on sea ) courses and tanker familiarization courses.

      Work experience : 2.5 years and still working as an assistant project manager in a mechanical company.


      University of Dallas - Texas
      University of Texas Arlington
      Bowie State University - Maryland
      Virginia Tech Graduate School
      Illinois Institute of technology
      University of North Texas - Denton.
      Texas Wesleyan University
      Arkansas state university
      Missouri University of Science and technology.
      California state university
      University of Redlands California
      John Hopkins University - Maryland.
      Southern Methodist University
      Widener university.
      Statford University
      Baylor University
      Oklahoma City University

      Kindly suggest me few more universities that suits my profile . thanking You tons in advance.
    1. joshuacool's Avatar
      joshuacool -
      I have just started my GRE preparations. I am a pass out of btech ECE (Electronics and communication Engineering) last year . I havent given my GRE exam yet. but Have given the Princeton review Exam . my profile follows as :

      10th :85.2%
      12th :82%
      Btech ECE CGPA: 9.1/10
      Princeton review online test : 313 (v-150 m -163) (with no practice)

      I am currently working in SIEMENS Ind ltd. I plan on having an experience of 2 years before doing my masters. I 'd like to mention im interested in VLSI and Power Electronics.
      I would like to know what colleges i can expect .
      Also what should i prefer M.Eng , M.Sc or Ph.d in EE ??

      (PS. I have a financial crunch so fees is a deciding factor).

      Thanks .
    1. gandi's Avatar
      gandi -
      pls give some suggestions for MS in Aerospace engineering:

      b.tech 73.4%(aeronautical)2012- no backlogs

      GRE= 300
      v -136
      AWA -2.5
    1. esppeace's Avatar
      esppeace -
      I gt an gre verbal 163 and quantitative 168 but aw at only 3.0.. my toefl in 108
      My gpa is 3.80 in Biomedical engineering. Kindly let me know any possible university suitable for cs or ee
    1. esppeace's Avatar
      esppeace -
      I gt an gre verbal 163 and quantitative 168 but aw at only 3.0.. my toefl is 108
      My gpa is 3.80 in Biomedical engineering. Kindly let me know any possible university suitable
    1. teddy123's Avatar
      teddy123 -
      Hi ..
      I wish to apply for MS in fall 2013.
      toefl score 82
      engineering avg:66%(gpa3.5)
      could you please suggest few colleges please
      looking for MIS programme
    1. sidmat's Avatar
      sidmat -
      can anyone tel me wat is the cut off marks in gre for admission into utah state university
    1. divyatyagi's Avatar
      divyatyagi -
      Hello ... I am B Tech 3rd year student... I wish to apply for MS in fall 2014...
      My gre score is 315
      Verbal 156
      Quant 159
      AWA 3.0
      Toefl Yet to take
      !0 87.2
      12 73.4
      B tech CG 7.0
      Please suggest me universities for applied mathematics with funding .....
    1. Vishal Roy's Avatar
      Vishal Roy -
      hai this is vishal.
      plz tell the deadlines of universities for spring 2013.
      plz send the list.
    1. usamawajhi's Avatar
      usamawajhi -
      i've completed my BE in Mechatronics with CGPA 2.94/4, can anybody suggest me some university for MS in automation or robotics, and the required GRE and TOFEL score.
    1. sri536's Avatar
      sri536 -
      The following is my profile.
      GRE-295(verbal-139, quant-156), AWA-3, IELTS-6.5
      Currently woking in a MNC. Will have 2 years experience by the time of admissions.
      Planning for Spring-2014.
      Can you suggest me some universities which I can get admission?
      Thank you.
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