• Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

    Here is list of Average GRE Scores required for admission into US Universities. Average GRE Scores means the average of GRE score of all applicants accepted in a University or Graduate Schools in USA. You can look into average GRE score to find out what range of GRE scores a university is accepting. Minimum GRE, Maximum GRE score of the applicants will be around this average score.

    If you are applying to competitive majors like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, add a score of 5 + to the verbal and Quant scores below. If you are from non-engineering majors you may do 5- in each sections to get your required Revised GRE score to apply to a university.

    Average GRE scores for top US Universities

    Here is a list of US universities with the average Revised GRE scores for their MS and PhD programs

    US Universities listed by GRE Scores >>

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA >>

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 159
    Writing: 5.3

    Stanford University:
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 158
    Writing: 4.8

    University of California, Berkeley:
    Verbal: 153 – 156 score range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.5

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of Virginia:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor:
    Verbal: 160 range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Georgia Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.3

    University of California – San Diego:
    Verbal: 162
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.5

    University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    University of Wisconsin – Madison:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 731
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Washington:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Pennsylvania State University:
    Verbal: 150
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Florida (UFL):
    Verbal: 154
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Texas , Austin:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    Ohio State University:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    California Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 157
    Writing: 5.0

    Duke University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Chicago:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Northwestern University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Washington University in St. Louis:
    Verbal: 161
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Johns Hopkins University:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 164
    Writing: 4.8

    Rice University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    Emory University:
    Verbal: 153
    Quantitative: 306
    Writing: 4.0-6.0

    University of Notre Dame:
    Verbal: 165
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 5.3

    Vanderbilt University:
    Verbal: 157
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.8

    William and Mary:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Johns Hopkins University
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 162
    Writing: 4.2

    Universirty of Texas At Dallas
    Average Verbal Score 150
    Average Quant Score: 163

    Rutgers University
    Average Verbal Score 152
    Average Quant Score: 162

    Please add scores for other US Graduate School GRE score requirements in the Comments.

    Average GRE Scores, GRE Cut off Scores - Duke University
    Comments 224 Comments
    1. shrestha's Avatar
      shrestha -
      Hi i am a student of mathematics. i have completed master in mathematics. i got 141 in verbal and 154 in quantitative in gre. can you suggest me any universities to apply a for phd
    1. aatish's Avatar
      aatish -
      hi i am student of math. i completed master in mathematics. i got 140 in verbal and 158 in quantitative. can you suggest me any universities for phd in mathematics?
    1. bharat08's Avatar
      bharat08 -
      my gre score
      quant-168 verbal-144 awa-2.5
      10 th - 89.33 %
      inter - 94 %
      btech - 80.95 %
      please suggest me some universities
    1. vivek1992's Avatar
      vivek1992 -
      Gre 312(148v+164q)
      toefl expecting 95+
      nit nagpur eee, cgpa 7.2 (increasing with each sem)

      project 2 related to embedded
      2 mini projects irrelvent
      3 internships not much related

      decent extra co- organized tech fest., national level energy summit

      applied after exam in
      corolado -boulder
      ohio state

      please give your valuable comments
      thank you in advance
    1. karnakar's Avatar
      karnakar -
      my gre score is 290/340
      please suggest me universities for phd in chemistry with funding...
    1. arun281191's Avatar
      arun281191 -
      I like to pursue MS in Architectural Engineering. I completed BE Civil Engineering.
      CGPA - 8.16 out of 10
      GRE - 293
      IELTS - 7.0
      Have no work experience. Done a research project in structures in college during final year.
      I wish to apply for spring 2014 intake. Please suggest some good universities with low tution fee and has many assistantships that suits my profile. Thanks in advance.
    1. rashi jain's Avatar
      rashi jain -
      Dear Amber,

      Coincidentally my scores are exactly the same as yours with minor ups and downs. It would be helpful if u could tell about the universities u applied for and about your status at those universities. I am applying for Fall 14. Please give your e-mail id for further contact. Thanks!

      Rashi Jain

      Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
      Hello all,
      I require assistance in selecting some universities for applying in fall 2013 session for MS in US. My profile is :
      1) GRE : 321(Verbal - 156, Quant - 165, AWA - 3.0)
      2) TOEFL : 107 (Reading-30, Listening-26, Speaking-24, Writing-27)
      3) B.Tech C.S.E : 76% (U.P.T.U.)
      4) 12th : 86% (C.B.S.E)
      5) 10th : 88% (C.B.S.E)
      6) Sun Certified Java Programmer
      7) Work Experience : 2 years (as on 1 August, 2012) in J2EE.
      8) Experienced in technologies : Spring, Struts, Hibernate. Adept to Apache, Tomcat, Marklogic Database, Wowza Media Server, Oracle.

      So far i have selected some universities. Please help me in balancing my selection for universities among Safe, moderate and dream universities selection :

      University of Michigan--Ann Arbor
      Columbia University
      University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill
      University of Southern California
      Stony Brook University—SUNY
      Northwestern University
      University of Colorado—Boulder
      University of Florida
      North Carolina State University
      New York University
      U CA SAN FRANCISCO -*4840
    1. m.vamshi's Avatar
      m.vamshi -
      i got gre-297,ielts-6.0,toefl-74,b.tech c.s.e aggregate-69.57%,
      so please suggest me universities which provide admission with&without scholarship.for spring 2014
    1. tapaspesh's Avatar
      tapaspesh -
      gre score-318
      gre verbal-155
      gre quant-163
      analytical writing-3.5
      please suggest some 7-8 colleges I can apply to?
    1. Arush's Avatar
      Arush -

      I am applying for fall 2014 and hence appearing for the GRE in the next 10 days. I am expecting a score around 320.

      -Graduation aggregate- first class
      -3 papers published in international journals.
      -One of the 40 selected delegates from around the globe for a paper presentation at a conference in bangkok.
      -4 internships

      -Did my project in association with Defense Institute of Advanced Technology.
      -Good expertise at various extra curricular activities.
      -Going on an international internship in the meantime.

      I have to select 4 universities to whom my scores will be sent. Please suggest me the universities. I'd really appreciate it.

    1. Sriniketh's Avatar
      Sriniketh -
      Hi ..
      I wish to apply for MS in spring 2014.
      gre 289
      ielts expecting 6.5 - 7
      b.tech 78%
      tenth 86%
      inter 88.6%

      i thought of applying for the universities...
      California state univiersity,eastbay
      University of Texas,Arlington
      Northwest Mussorie state university
      Texas A & M,Kingsville
      University of Michigan,Flint

      plz suggest if any good universities which match my profile....
    1. RAGAVENDRA's Avatar
      i have got 300 score
      i,e: quant-159
      verbal - 141
      b.tech - 83%(mechanical)
      need to take tofel.
      i supposed to convert computer science major.
      plz evaluate my profile and suggest some safe universities
    1. Rpbiit's Avatar
      Rpbiit -
      GRE Verbal:138, Quant: 161
      TOEFL: 88
      B.Tech-73% (Civil)
      M.Tech-8.5 (IIT Kgp,Structure)
      3 international conference, 2 national conference papers
      2 yr.s research experience, 2 yr.s industry experience

      Planning for PhD in US university (Structural Engg or Structural Mechanics / Engineering Mechanics)
    1. phani.g's Avatar
      phani.g -

      I am Phani Gubbala (Civil Engineering). My GRE score is 291 Verbal: 137 and Quantitative 154. Is it enough for applying to average universities? or should I retake GRE?
    1. apurv1992's Avatar
      apurv1992 -
      I have scored in my gre as below
      Quantitative - 148
      Verbal - 145
      AWA - 3.5

      I would really be obliged if u could suggest me universities in United States foe pursuing my masters in Industrial Engineering.
      Waiting for a response.
    1. Orhan's Avatar
      Orhan -
      Both of the prior responders are inoccrert. This would be true if you were applying for an undergraduate or master's degree, but not for a Ph.D. Most Ph.D. students at reasonably good universities in the U.S. get tuition remissions and stipends (not scholarships), which cover the cost of the program. After the first year, usually, you would be expected to work either as a teaching or a research assistant for that stipend, but as long as you complete your program in a timely manner, it would usually be free for you. There is generally no distinction made between domestic and international students at the Ph.D. level. My only concern is that, with 55%, your marks may not be strong enough to allow you to pursue a program at a good university. One generally needs to be among the best of undergraduate students to be considered.I forgot to include how the process works: You will need to take the GRE and apply for the programs in which you are interested. If they accept you, they will tell you what sort of financial aid you might be offered. Financial aid is offered by the program itself, not separately, so there is no need to apply separately for scholarships.
    1. Tanzim's Avatar
      Tanzim -
      GRE is commonly reiqrued for application to graduate schools in fields other than business, law, and medicine. GRE test measures analytical, verbal, and quantitative skills.GMAT test measures language, writing skills and quantitative abilities and is intended to indicate a person's potential as a participant of an MBA program.
    1. amandeep's Avatar
      amandeep -
      verbal- 149
      qyants- 158
      gpa 7.97
      need to know universities for P.hd in human development
    1. apkri16's Avatar
      apkri16 -
      GRE score 300 (145 verbal, 155- quant, 3.5 AWA) , CGPA-8.60, TOEFL- yet to give, could u suggest me some universities that offers MS in Biomedical Engg and what are my chances of getting in University of Wisconsin,Madison?
    1. akhil1992's Avatar
      akhil1992 -
      GRE-307(v 145, q 162) awa is 2.5
      Currently studying B.tech 4th year
      planing for Fall-2014
      can you suggest me some universities which i can get admission?
      Thank you.
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