• Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

    Here is list of Average GRE Scores required for admission into US Universities. Average GRE Scores means the average of GRE score of all applicants accepted in a University or Graduate Schools in USA. You can look into average GRE score to find out what range of GRE scores a university is accepting. Minimum GRE, Maximum GRE score of the applicants will be around this average score.

    If you are applying to competitive majors like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, add a score of 5 + to the verbal and Quant scores below. If you are from non-engineering majors you may do 5- in each sections to get your required Revised GRE score to apply to a university.

    Average GRE scores for top US Universities

    Here is a list of US universities with the average Revised GRE scores for their MS and PhD programs

    US Universities listed by GRE Scores >>

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA >>

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 159
    Writing: 5.3

    Stanford University:
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 158
    Writing: 4.8

    University of California, Berkeley:
    Verbal: 153 – 156 score range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.5

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of Virginia:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor:
    Verbal: 160 range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Georgia Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.3

    University of California – San Diego:
    Verbal: 162
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.5

    University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    University of Wisconsin – Madison:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 731
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Washington:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Pennsylvania State University:
    Verbal: 150
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Florida (UFL):
    Verbal: 154
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Texas , Austin:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    Ohio State University:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    California Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 157
    Writing: 5.0

    Duke University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Chicago:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Northwestern University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Washington University in St. Louis:
    Verbal: 161
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Johns Hopkins University:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 164
    Writing: 4.8

    Rice University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    Emory University:
    Verbal: 153
    Quantitative: 306
    Writing: 4.0-6.0

    University of Notre Dame:
    Verbal: 165
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 5.3

    Vanderbilt University:
    Verbal: 157
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.8

    William and Mary:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Johns Hopkins University
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 162
    Writing: 4.2

    Universirty of Texas At Dallas
    Average Verbal Score 150
    Average Quant Score: 163

    Rutgers University
    Average Verbal Score 152
    Average Quant Score: 162

    Please add scores for other US Graduate School GRE score requirements in the Comments.

    Average GRE Scores, GRE Cut off Scores - Duke University
    Comments 224 Comments
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Verb 143 quant 166 awa 2 tofel 80
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My GRE Score is 270
      ielts 5.5
      can u suggest me some universities for CSE
      pls it's URGENT
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My GRE SCORE IS 271
      B TECH 62%
      Ielts 5.5
      can u suggest me some university for this Spring
      Can i get Gannon for my profile
    1. Arpithaydv's Avatar
      Arpithaydv -
      Hey , please suggest me universities to apply for fall 2015 (MS in CS)
      MY PROFILE: GRE 303(V:151, Q: 152) AWA: 4
      TOEFL yet to take (expecting 100+)
      Aggre: 76.8%(VTU, BE IN CSE)
      10th : 94.4%
      PUC : 84% (KEA)
      Internship : 2 months with a startup company
      work exp : will be working with the same abv stated compny for 9 mnths(sept 2014 to july 2015)
      Papers presented: 1 national level, 3 local , attended one national conference, 2 IEEE conferences in india.
      extra curricular: debates, tech talks, GD's
      Social Service : not much !

      please suggest me universities , i fear dat my score vl take me no whr !
    1. Sailu's Avatar
      Sailu -
      I wish to apply for spring 2015
      Got gre : verb - 144 & quant - 156 awa - 3
      Ielts yet to be taken
      M Pharm, UK - 50%
      B Pharm - 63%
      I wanna apply for biostatistics / computers. Can you pls help me out suggesting universities which cost less
      Thank you
    1. P_a_s's Avatar
      P_a_s -
      sir please can you suggest some univ for my profile for robotics
      gre q-164
      v-144 awa3
      ug-55.4 with 10 backlogs cleared
      paper published-1
      participated in international conference
      internationally certified in robotics
      won compition in robotics at various iits techfest
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      can anybody suggest me best possible university for MS in Computer Science for above score?thnx in advance!!
    1. abhijaan23's Avatar
      abhijaan23 -
      B.Tech: 81%
      Inter: 82%
      SSC: 85.5%
      Research Experience 3.5+ years in CCMB
      GRE: 298, rewriting again in October 2014 and expecting 315+
      IELTS: 6.5, rewriting again in October 2014 and expecting 7+

      Please suggest me State/public universities with funding for the MS program in Biological sciences. Please suggest universities for 310+ 315+ and 320+. Thank you.
    1. Mru141's Avatar
      Mru141 -
      Gre score :289 ,Toefl yet to be taken, have work experience of 3.5 years in data warehousing ,Should I apply to top rank universities for MIS course ? or take my gre again ?
    1. sam1132's Avatar
      sam1132 -
      ive got 155 in verbal and 146 in quant. AWA score is 3.0.
      can anyone suggest good universities for masters in computer science
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Please someone can help me with this:
      Verbal 151 quant 169 which universities in US I can apply for ?
    1. varkap04's Avatar
      varkap04 -
      I have got a GRE score of 320(v-151:q-169)
      CGPA 7.93
      Graduate from a good Indian university
      Have almost 5 years of experience in IT as a application developer
      Have lots of extra curriculars too
      Recommendations from college and company would be available
      Can anyone suggest me any good universities that I can apply to?
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      I have got a GRE score of 320(v-151:q-169)
      CGPA 7.93
      Graduate from a good Indian university
      Have almost 5 years of experience in IT as a application developer
      Have lots of extra curriculars too
      Recommendations from college and company would be available
      Can anyone suggest me any good universities that I can apply to for applications for robotics engineering for fall 2015
    1. Raj ghuman's Avatar
      Raj ghuman -
      Hi please evaluate my profile...I want california or new york based univ
      Toefl-expecting above 100
      Grad-76% from IP univ,new delhi
      Exp-1.5 yrs in an analytical company
      Please suggest me some good universities according to my score.....and does my quant score too low to get into good univ...??please help

      Thanks in advance
    1. yashaswi's Avatar
      yashaswi -
      I have a score of 295 in GRE
      I want to do masters in computer science in the USA
      Is it possible
      pls reply asap
    1. captainnemo's Avatar
      captainnemo -
      I am from ITM University Gurgaon, my GRE is 323(160v,163q,4.0 AWA) and TOEFL is 113/120. I have undergone research internship at IIT Delhi and have two professors there recommending me. I am in the top 10 of my department at the university and have two publication while 3rd is under review.MY GPA is 9.0/10.0

      I am applying to the following univs:
      1. MIT
      2. Stanford
      3. UIUC
      4. GaTech
      5. UCSD
      6. University of Texas,Austin
      7. University of Massachusetts,Amherst

      Kindly tell me some indicators on what are my chances in each of these universities and please recommend safe university(ies) based on my profile.
    1. Jatin's Avatar
      Jatin -
      Hi.. Please suggest me some good University for MS in MIS in US.
      My profile:

      Gre- 322

      Toefl : 104

      B.Tech( Electronics and Telecommunications) from NIT RAIPUR

      CGPA- 7.52
      WORK EX- 1YR
    1. Gkarthik90's Avatar
      Gkarthik90 -


      Can u suggest any universities for this score
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Applying for Fall 15 MS in Embedded/VLSI

      My profile is as follows :

      GRE : 302 AWA : 3.5

      Toefl : 102

      B.Tech : 3.65/4 ECE

      Publications : 2 International publications

      Patent : 1 project under review

      Scholarship holder throughout B.Tech
      10th : 87.6%

      12th : 81.2%

      3 major 20 minor

      Many extracurricular
      activities like commended thrice at
      University youth festivals,
      participated in IETE exhibition,
      participated in Global science fair

      many projects on 8051,PIC, AVR,
      Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ARM 11
      processor , Java, C, C++

      Certifications : .Net, Appearing for
      Java certification exam (OCJP)

      fom HOD, One Prof., NGO, Company

      Good SOP

      3 months internship at
      Philips Electronics India ltd.

      Volunteer & workshops with one
      national & one international NGO for 2 years.

      Suggest some good Universities.
      Thanks :-)
    1. Pawan Araballi's Avatar
      Pawan Araballi -
      The following is my profile :
      GRE : 302 ( Quant : 158 verbal : 144 ) , AWA 3 , IELTS : yet to take
      B.E(Information Science ) : 8.41CGPA -- Approx 3.36
      12th : 85.83%
      10th :85%
      Working in IBM and have a experience of 1 year 3 months
      Planning for Fall 2015
      I am planning to apply for
      * University of Texas,Dallas.
      * SUNY Buffalo.
      * Arizona State University.
      * University of Minesotta, Twincities
      * University of North carolina.

      Please suggest me the SAFE and MODERATE universities and also evaluate my choices as well.

      Thank you
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