• Suggest Some universities for my Profile

    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 82 percent.
    intermediate - 77 %
    B.Tech computer science - 62% with 11 backlogs
    GRE- 287 (v-139 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

    lamar state university
    university of mary hardin-baylor
    eastern illionois univesity
    university of illinois springfeild
    fairleigh dickinson university
    university of dayton
    university of new mexico highlands
    oklahoma city university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    university of central missouri
    st marys university

    You can choose:

    university of central Missouri - Low fee and sure shot admit
    Lamar university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    eastern illionois university
    Comments 278 Comments
    1. harshacha's Avatar
      harshacha -
      my gre-290 v-140,q-150
      10 cbse-68%
      ielts expected-6 to 6.5
      plz suggest me few universities
    1. harshach's Avatar
      harshach -
      plz suggest me universities for computer science
      my gre-290 v-140,q-150
      acads-76%(till 3-2)expected 79 to 80
    1. Nithin_b's Avatar
      Nithin_b -
      Hi. Could u please suggest me some uni's
      I have taken Gre yesterday and my official GRE scores yet to come.
      My profile:
      Acads: 66%
      Tenth: 88.5%
      Inter: 89.5%
      Gre: 309 Quant: 164 and Verbal: 145
      I'm studying B.tech 4th year in Mechatronics
      Please suggest me universities for this fall 2014!
    1. sushma0492's Avatar
      sushma0492 -
      Hi! am pursuing my final year engineeering in ECE field. I want to pursue MS in same field. can u evaluate my profile?
      10th: 69%
      12th: 88%
      BE: 8.1 (upto 6th sem)
      GRE: 288 (Q:148, V:140)
      TOEFL: 74
    1. dolly user's Avatar
      dolly user -
      intermediate board=88
      no backlogs

      can u suggest me unvi vth scholarships n there deadline till n including march or suggest some sites to check deadlines pls..
    1. nare8222's Avatar
      nare8222 -
      i did my b.tech in computer science.
      10th class: 77%
      intermediate :76%
      b.tech: 60%
      gre score: 282/340
      ielts band :6/9

      to do ms in usa, can u plz suggest me which universities can i get as per my scores for summer admissions 2014
    1. tanuja022's Avatar
      tanuja022 -

      My gre score is 301 and toefl score is 71
      And I have 2+ years of experience as Software Engineer,
      My academics 10th : 91%
      Intermediate : 93.6%
      Btech : 81%(Electrical & Electronics)

      Now I wanted to do ms in Computer science for my score.

      Please suggest me some universities for my score and am planning to retake my toefl exam.
      Whether I can apply for the fall 2014 , is it possible, iff yes for which universities I can apply?

      Please evaluate and let me know.
      I have not started the application processing so far.
    1. Parthi2892's Avatar
      Parthi2892 -
      Academics 79%
      Gre 295. Quans -151,verbal-144
      Ielts -6.5 l-8,r-6.5,s-5.5,w-5.5
      please send the univs in USA for doing MS in computer science for fall 2014
    1. Dinakar's Avatar
      Dinakar -
      Hello friends suggest me some universities,want to transfer from biotechnology to cse
      Btech-64%(12 F's)(6 bl)
    1. krishaan11's Avatar
      krishaan11 -
      Quote Originally Posted by raghu View Post
      thanks alot... soo fr wat uv's should i apply?? othr den dese..
      i got sme mre uv's..
      california state uv fullerton
      california state uv eastbay
      uv of missouri st.louis
      hi....... unofficial gre score- 302, verbal- 145 quant-157.... b.tech chemical engg c.g.pa-7.3, 10th- 86%, 12th- 95%........ underwent internship and summer training...... suggest some univ.....
    1. krishaan11's Avatar
      krishaan11 -
      hi everyone, i took the gre today....... unofficial gre score- 302, verbal- 145 quant-157.... b.tech chemical engg c.g.pa-7.3, 10th- 86%, 12th- 95%........ underwent internship and summer training...... suggest some univ.....
    1. sur3016's Avatar
      sur3016 -
      Hi I completed my BE in electrical and electronics engineering with 65% and 11 backlogs. I have a GRE score of 290 and IELTS avg band score of 7 .
      Can you suggest me a some universities to match my profile.
      Thanking you
    1. sandeep569's Avatar
      sandeep569 -
      Hello friends suggest me some universities,for MS in CS
      Btech-62%(1 back log)
      IELTS- expecting 6 to 6.5
    1. mohanbabu's Avatar
      mohanbabu -
      Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
      10 th marks - 75.3 percent.
      intermediate - 82.3 %
      B.Tech computer science - 61% with 7 backlogs
      GRE- 289 (v-139 m-150) awa 3
      IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

      i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

      lamar state university
      university of new haven
      kent state univesity
      university of machigan flint
      lawrence technolical university
      university of central missouri
      university of dayton
      university of colorado denver
      oklahoma city university
      university of south alamaba

      please suggest me

      thank you in advance
    1. pabdani's Avatar
      pabdani -
      I would like to apply for PhD in Mechanical Eng. on fall 2014.

      GRE 298 (V: 137, Q: 161, AWA: 1.5)
      TOEFL 102 (R: 24, L: 26, S: 24, W: 28)
      GPA at Ms is 3.81/4
      Work Exp 1yr
      Univ Publication 1
      Please suggest some universities that suits my profile.

      my emial is
    1. nikhilroy's Avatar
      nikhilroy -
      can u suggest some sure admit on decent universities
      my profile
      b.tech=62% up to 3rd year(20 backlogs)
      gre=284,ielts=waiting for result expecting from (6-6.5)
      my backlogs are more in first year only because i had health illness so i did'nt write well in first year.....
    1. krishaan11's Avatar
      krishaan11 -

      i scored 302 in gre......... verbal 145 quant 157..... awa-3.5
      10th- 86%
      12th- 95%

      b.tech chemical engg- 7.288 cgpa....

      toefl yet to be taken....... could you suggest some universities???
    1. nvamshi's Avatar
      nvamshi -
      please suggest me universities in us and canada for the profile:
      10th - 82.5%
      intermediate - 80.1%
      btech - 8.4/10 CGPA (untill 4-1)
      GRE - 293(quant-153, verbal - 140, AWA - 3)
      IELTS - 6 (LSRW - 6)
    1. krishaan11's Avatar
      krishaan11 -
      could you please evaluate my profile....
      gre- 302 (verbal-145 math- 157) awa- 3.5
      10th- 86%
      12th- 95%
      toefl yet to be taken
      b.tech chemical engg- 73%
    1. tarunsr's Avatar
      tarunsr -
      Please suggest me with some universities
      B.Tech-6.4 CGPA (9 backlogs)
      but worked hard for GRE and scored 317 (V-154,Q-163 and AWA-5)
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