• Suggest Some universities for my Profile

    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 82 percent.
    intermediate - 77 %
    B.Tech computer science - 62% with 11 backlogs
    GRE- 287 (v-139 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

    lamar state university
    university of mary hardin-baylor
    eastern illionois univesity
    university of illinois springfeild
    fairleigh dickinson university
    university of dayton
    university of new mexico highlands
    oklahoma city university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    university of central missouri
    st marys university

    You can choose:

    university of central Missouri - Low fee and sure shot admit
    Lamar university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    eastern illionois university
    Comments 278 Comments
    1. rahul121's Avatar
      rahul121 -
      hi frnd,pls evaluate my profile..
      gre:297 verbal:139,quant:158
      ielts yet to take
      i have selected some of the universities
      northwest missouri state univesity
      university of central missouri
      western illinious
      wichita state university
      university of illinious springfeild
      arkansas state university
      pls suggest me regarding these universities...
    1. Nitu Vlsi's Avatar
      Nitu Vlsi -
      Hallo everyday

      I am Debalina Ghosh ,currently passed M.tech in microelectronics and VlSI Design from WBUT ,kolkata ,India.
      i want to pursue in PH in usa in VLSI Design and digital signal processing research area in fall 2013 .Following is my brief profile... I have also selected some universities.... please suggest whether they are suitable to my profile or not....also recommend good universities

      M.tech (WBUT ) CGPA - 9.77 /10 [silver medal winner , 2nd topper in university]
      Microelectronics and VLSI Design

      B.tech ( WBUT) CGPA 7.79
      electronics and communication Engineering

      Published papers : 2 National conferences
      2 international journals
      Review two international journal papers
      M.tech thesis accepted by Reputed publication house in GERMANY
      M.tech thesis was on VLSI architecture of Speaker recognition system
      Work experience : 6 months in College as a visiting faculty
      GRE - Verbal 148 ,quantitative - 160 , awa - 4 ,Toefl ibt -89

      Universities selected : University of Texas ,Dallas
      Arizona state university
      Oregon state university
      New Mexico state university
      University of southern California
      Michigan state university
      North Carolina state university
    1. prabhala91's Avatar
      prabhala91 -
      Pls. suggest some universities:
      GRE: 302( v:158,Q:144)
      TOEFL:Yet to take
      ONE National Paper Published
      Computer Science
    1. sivajagan's Avatar
      sivajagan -
      hiiii please suggest me some universities
      b.tech eee 74%
      inter 94%
      10th 82%
      gre 297(v141,q156)
      toefl yet to be taken expecting 90
      please urgent
    1. girish91's Avatar
      girish91 -
      hi raghu,
      Please evaluate my profile and suggest some universities
      B-tech EEE
      10th - 93.2%
      12th - 91.4%
      GRE-313(Quant - 163, Verbal - 150, AWA - 3.0)
      TOEFL - 107
      Completed 3 internships and 1 project.
      Got final semester internship in Schneider Electric and placed in the same.
      Planning to do major in Power electronics or renewable energy.
      shortlisted universities:-
      university of california- berkley
      georgia tech
      university of texas-austin
      arizona state
      ohio state
      michigan technological university

      Please evaluate my profile and tell me how i stand a chance in these universities. Also suggest a few more you feel I have a chance of getting.
    1. sheethal's Avatar
      sheethal -
      Hi friends. suggest me some good universities for MS in Networking and telecommunication.
      10th- 89.28 %
      12th- 89.66%
      Btech- 9.14cgpa/10
      GRE- 310
      1 year IT experience.
      I have done my BE in Telecommunication engineering.
      Do suggest me for fall 2013.
    1. harish1's Avatar
      harish1 -
      I'm planning for spring 2013
      EE major

      B.tech : 65.48 %
      GRE : 295 ( Q - 156, V - 139) awa 2.5
      IELTS : 6 (L -6.5,S- 6.0, R- 6.0, W-6.0)

      I'm planning to apply for these universities

    1. sivajagan's Avatar
      sivajagan -
      gre 297(q156,v141)
      toefl yet to be taken
      b.tech 74% eee
      inter 94%
      ssc 82%
      spring 2013 only
    1. HR91's Avatar
      HR91 -

      GRE - 288 (Verbal -140, Quant -148, AWA - 3)
      TOEFL - 106
      GPA(B.tech in Information Technology) - 8.26
      10th (ICSE) - 77.67%
      Internediate (State) - 90%
      No paper presentations but have organised events in college.
      I want to apply for M.S or M.B.A in Healthcare Management. Please suggest some Universities in U.S.A for my scores.
      I also want to know if I will get into top 100 universities in US.
      Can you please tell me if I can get into any of these listed below?
      UNC - Chapel Hill
      Auburn University
      University of Missouri
      Baylor University
      University of Florida
    1. bharani's Avatar
      bharani -
      Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
      10 th marks - 82 percent
      intermediate - 67 %
      B.Tech computer science - 64% with 20backlogs(with repeated)
      GRE- 285 (v-139 m-145)
      IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.0
      plzz suggest some univ i want to aply kent state univ,california state uinv(fullerton,north ride,longbeach)
      pllzz suggest me still some more univ that match to my profile ms in cs pllzz awaiting for response
    1. kanteti's Avatar
      kanteti -
      please evaluate my profile and suggest me a few univ in which i can do my masters with scholarship
      GRE-300(v-142,Q-158)........should I retake GRE or can i get admission
      B.tech-81%(upto 3-2,ECE)
      internship in BSNL(yet to be done in nov)
      a few participation certificates in paper presentation from different colleges.............
      Pls suggest me whether i can get admission into any univ for fall 2013 with above profile....
      All your rplies are admirable
      TNQ u in advanceeeee
    1. bharani's Avatar
      bharani -
      Quote Originally Posted by bharani View Post
      Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
      10 th marks - 82 percent
      intermediate - 67 %
      B.Tech computer science - 64% with 20backlogs(with repeated)
      GRE- 285 (v-139 m-145)
      IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.0
      plzz suggest some univ i want to aply kent state univ,california state uinv(fullerton,north ride,longbeach)
      pllzz suggest me still some more univ that match to my profile ms in cs pllzz awaiting for response
      i dnt have time pllzz rply me fast
    1. siri.c's Avatar
      siri.c -
      Iam looking for a course in Masters that's a good mix of both electronics and computers.

      Could someone please evaluate my profile??

      GRE - 322 ( v-161 , Q-161 , AWA - 4.5)
      TOEFL - 117
      Btech (so far) - 78%
      Intermediate - 92%
      10th (ICSE Syllabus) - 85%

      Iam considering the following universities,

      Clemson University
      Texas A&M College Station
      Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
      University of Cincinnati

      What are my chances of getting funding or waivers in these universities??

      thanks in advance!
    1. naveennani's Avatar
      naveennani -
      hi, i am naveen kumar. i did my B.Tech in electrical engineering with 65.5%,
      i got 59.2 in tenth(c.b.s.e), 89.2% in inter and my scores are 286(136+150) in gre and 6.0 in ielts
      can u suggest universities for my scores with low fee for spring 2013
    1. farheen's Avatar
      farheen -
      hey..plz evaluate my profile too
      toefl-yet to take
      do i hve ny chances of getting admissions to university of missouri,rolla??
    1. rohitkumar's Avatar
      rohitkumar -
      Hi, I'm Rohit..
      10th : 92%
      12th : 81.5%
      B-tech : 61% and 24 baklogs.
      GRE : 322 (Quant - 167; Verbal - 155)
      TOEFL : 110
      IELTS: 7
      Can i expect to get admitted to a good American university ?
    1. Smart21's Avatar
      Smart21 -
      hello friends suggest me universities that will suit my profile
      i am vish and this is my profile..
      gre 291 quant 155 and verbal :136
      Still to give TOFEL
      I have done my B.E in Computer Engineering and my academic is 75%.
      10th = 90.04%
      12th = 85.83%
      I am a Sun Certified Java Programmer.
      Have an experirnce of working in IT industry for 2 years as a software developer.
      I an interested in course : Computer Science....
      Pls help me list some universities for this profile....
    1. Bharatraj's Avatar
      Bharatraj -
      hey fellas suggest me a few univs(not more than 4).listed below are my assets
      10th - 81%
      Intrmediate - 75%
      B.tech - 58.07%
      GRE - 293(Q:152, V:141)
      AWA - 2.5
      Plzz do post sum univs guys
    1. maheshjalu's Avatar
      maheshjalu -
      I have sent the packets to the following universities. please let me know the chances of getting an admit.

      1)University of texas at Arlington
      2)University of south florida at Tampa
      3)Northern Illinois university
      4)Kent state university at ohio

      My profile
      10th- 90%
      Inter- 87.3%
      B.tech- 65% (1 backlog)
      GRE- 296 (Quant-152 Verbal-144 AWA-3.0)
      IELTS - 7.0 (listening-8.5 speaking-7 reading 6.5 writing-6)
      Thanks in advance.
    1. maheshjalu's Avatar
      maheshjalu -
      I have sent the packets to the following universities. please let me know the chances of getting an admit.

      1)University of texas at Arlington
      2)University of south florida at Tampa
      3)Northern Illinois university
      4)Kent state university at ohio

      My profile
      10th- 90%
      Inter- 87.3%
      B.tech- 65% (1 backlog)
      GRE- 296 (Quant-152 Verbal-144 AWA-3.0)
      IELTS - 7.0 (listening-8.5 speaking-7 reading 6.5 writing-6)
      Thanks in advance.
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