• Suggest Some universities for my Profile

    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 82 percent.
    intermediate - 77 %
    B.Tech computer science - 62% with 11 backlogs
    GRE- 287 (v-139 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

    lamar state university
    university of mary hardin-baylor
    eastern illionois univesity
    university of illinois springfeild
    fairleigh dickinson university
    university of dayton
    university of new mexico highlands
    oklahoma city university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    university of central missouri
    st marys university

    You can choose:

    university of central Missouri - Low fee and sure shot admit
    Lamar university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    eastern illionois university
    Comments 278 Comments
    1. idiot143's Avatar
      idiot143 -
      Raghava Jalaparthi

      hey guys this is raghav
      can u help me the safe universities in following for my profile-292(q=154,v=138),10th=85%,inter=82%,btech 68% with 1backlog in c.s.e
      cleveland state university
      texas a&m kingsville
      state univ of connecticut,bridgeport
      univ of west florida
      if any other unv suite my profile plz tell me plz........its so urgent i am applying for spring 2013
    1. idiot143's Avatar
      idiot143 -
      Raghava Jalaparthi

      this is raghava
      hey guys can u help me the safe universities in following for my profile-292
      cleveland state university
      texas a&m kingsville
      state univ of connecticut,bridgeport
      univ of west florida
    1. shri1's Avatar
      shri1 -
      hey ,plz suggest me some universities for ms in electronics and communications.
      GRE - 315 (v- 154, q- 161)
      IELTS -8
      10th - 91%(cbse)
      12th - 91%(cbse)
      B.E - 84.5% (vtu ece)

      thank u
    1. karthik464's Avatar
      karthik464 -
      hiii friends...
      can u please evaluate my profile and suggest me universties.
      10th-78.5% CBSE
      B.tech mechanical-68.5% (1 backlog)
      gre-292 (v-136, q-156)
      i would like to apply for spring2012
    1. arpita's Avatar
      arpita -
      Hi ..
      I wish to apply for MS in fall 2013. Can you suggest some universities to which i can apply considering my profile as mentioned below:
      Done b.tech in Electronics and communication
      GRE: 316
      quants : 162
      verbal : 154
      toefl : yet to give, but expecting above 110
      btech cgpa : 9.5/10, highest 9.7

      Have 1 year work experience
      No papers published
      been involved in the technical and cultural activities at national level during b.tech

      I want to do my MS in wireless or communication systems preferably.
    1. rakesh569's Avatar
      rakesh569 -
      Hello sir,
      My Gre Score is 282(verbal:139,Quants:143,AWA:2.5)
      can u suggest me universities for spring 2013
    1. sindhu123's Avatar
      sindhu123 -
      Hello Sir,
      Please tell some univ for admit with my profile
      gre-279 quant-14o,verb-139
      toefl-yet to be taken
      undergrad-70% no backlogs
      plz suggest me some univ to get admit with my profile whether it is sufficient or not
      thanq in advance
    1. ayushi jai's Avatar
      ayushi jai -
      Please help me urgently.

      I scored 332 in my gre
      quant: 170
      verbal: 162
      awa: awaited. 3.5 or 4 expected.
      btech in cs: 78%
      cgpa: 3.7
      12th: 91%
      10th: 87%
      no papers.
      1 yr internship in Zensar during 3rd yr of colg.
      internship in airtel.
      please suggest me some universities for fall 2013. it wud b a great help. Thanks.
    1. KSachin's Avatar
      KSachin -
      TOEFL-not yet taken
      Papers Published-1)GJCAT
      Experience-1year(june 2013)
      2)Tivoli Directory Server
      3)Rational Functional Tester
      PLZZZZZZ Suggest some univ where I can get admits for sure....Want to Apply for Fall 2013
    1. alladirams's Avatar
      alladirams -
      my name is ramesh..
      this is my profile
      b.e-6.9 cgpa
      gre- 316 .. quants -164..verbal -152..
      my stream is EEE.... but,i want to do M.S in Management in information systems...
      suggest me universities for fall 2013.
    1. gouthami#'s Avatar
      gouthami# -
      please evaluate my pofile
      my 10 th marks are 86 percent.
      intermediate - 96 %
      B.Tech ece - 76% and
      my gre score is 298(verbal-136,quant-162)
      suggest some universities for my scores
    1. raghu's Avatar
      raghu -
      whihc dept??
      Quote Originally Posted by gouthami# View Post
      please evaluate my pofile
      my 10 th marks are 86 percent.
      intermediate - 96 %
      B.Tech ece - 76% and
      my gre score is 298(verbal-136,quant-162)
      suggest some universities for my scores
    1. ram_sanjay's Avatar
      ram_sanjay -
      GRE on OCT 9TH... suggest some universities for my profile..
      gre scores are varying in between 310 and 324
      toefl between 90-100
      tenth - 85.83%
      inter - 85.40%
      grad - 68.00%
      1)presented two papers in nation wide symposiums
      2)awarded as the overall athletic champion in our college
      3)caption for the winning team in volleyball tournament conducted by SRKR college, andhrapradesh (its a nation wide symposium)
      4)done project on application proggraming in android( in graduation)
      5)currently working with a project on biometrice(facial recognition) in IIT-DELHI
      6)recommendation letter from an IIT professor
    1. suresh e's Avatar
      suresh e -
      given gre today
      got 281 quant 142, verbal 139
      10th 65%
      inter 66.8%
      ug 59% till 3-2 with 8 backlogs cleared.
    1. sarath's Avatar
      sarath -
      Civil Engg
      IIT Roorkee
      Interested in Geotechnical Engineering
      GRE-145(V) +169 (Q)

      Suggest me some universities with a chance for funding
    1. amit414itb's Avatar
      amit414itb -
      Hi Sir,
      Please suggest me some universities in US for MS and PhD
      Graduated in electrical engineering with 8.13 C.G.P.A from Indian institute of Technology, BHU varanasi
      GRE (327/340) Verbal-159, quant-168,AWA= 3.5
      For the past three years working in Research and Development organization, under ministry of Defence, India
    1. amit414itb's Avatar
      amit414itb -
      Hi Sir,
      Please suggest me some universities in US for MS and PhD
      Graduated in electrical engineering with 8.13 C.G.P.A from Indian institute of Technology, BHU varanasi
      GRE (327/340) Verbal-159, quant-168,AWA= 3.5
      Interested in Power electronics
      For the past three years working in Research and Development organization, under ministry of Defence, India
    1. SriHarshaK's Avatar
      SriHarshaK -
      Hello, Please Suggest some universities in US for MS or PhD for fall 2013

      Major - EE

      GRE - 325 Quant 170, Verbal -155, AWA -3.5
      10th - 86%
      12th - 96.5%
      B-Tech - 79% ECE (2013 Passout) No backlogs or history of backlogs.
    1. sonali's Avatar
      sonali -
      gre-323(v=162 q=161)


      cgpa=8.83(till 6th sem)

      currently in btech IT
      applying for IT/CS


      decent extra curricular activities

      univ shortlisted till mow--
      1.New York state univ
      2.SUNY,stony brook
      3.North carolina state univ
      4Univ of.North carolina-chapel hill

      please evaluate my profile n tell which all univs are good/safe/mod/ambi....also tell me a few more univs i could apply to with this profile
    1. sriramkun's Avatar
      sriramkun -
      hi friends....pls evaluate my profile...!! for fall-2013 major in CS



      toefl-96 (r-25,l-26,s-20,w-25)

      have some certifications like IBM's DB2(regarding database management)

      have gold medals n certificates in Basket ball as university team member,
      organized many events in col fest
      participated in nss, ncc.

      got placed in wipro technologies(not joined yet...ll join in 1 month)

      please suggest some universities for fall-2013 or any suggestions regarding the profile...also..
      thanks in advance...
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