• Suggest Some universities for my Profile

    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 82 percent.
    intermediate - 77 %
    B.Tech computer science - 62% with 11 backlogs
    GRE- 287 (v-139 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

    lamar state university
    university of mary hardin-baylor
    eastern illionois univesity
    university of illinois springfeild
    fairleigh dickinson university
    university of dayton
    university of new mexico highlands
    oklahoma city university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    university of central missouri
    st marys university

    You can choose:

    university of central Missouri - Low fee and sure shot admit
    Lamar university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    eastern illionois university
    Comments 278 Comments
    1. Faud's Avatar
      Faud -
      My profile is as follows:
      12th: 69.44%
      BE(Mechanical): 78.57%
      GRE: V153, Q168, AWA 3.0
      TOEFL: 94(28,27,S19,W20)
      Work ex: 1yrs 6 months in a Manufacturing
      3 yrs+ in ONGC Ltd. as Drilling Engineer
      Applied for MS in Petroleum Engineering(Fall 2013) in:
      1) TAMU, College Station
      2) U Oklahoma, Norman
      3) Colorado school of Mines
      4) Louisiana state univ, Baton rouge

      Please tell me how good are my chances?
    1. joshuacool's Avatar
      joshuacool -
      I have just started my GRE preparations. I am a pass out of btech ECE (Electronics and communication Engineering) last year . I havent given my GRE exam yet. but Have given the Princeton review Exam . my profile follows as :

      10th :85.2%
      12th :82%
      Btech ECE CGPA: 9.1/10
      Princeton review online test : 313 (v-150 m -163) (with no practice)

      I am currently working in SIEMENS Ind ltd. I plan on having an experience of 2 years before doing my masters. I 'd like to mention im interested in VLSI and Power Electronics.
      I would like to know what colleges i can expect .
      Also what should i prefer M.Eng , M.Sc or Ph.d ??

      (PS. I have a financial crunch so fees is a deciding factor).

      Thanks .
    1. Gani's Avatar
      Gani -
      Hie friends...
      Should i opt for Fall or Spring ??!! as i need funding..
      Do suggest me some universities...
      Major - Electrical engineering (Embedded Systems)
      GRE -307 (Q-163,V-144)
      tofel - yet to take on 26 march ,expecting 90+
      b-tech- 74%
      Inter - 95.1%
      10th -88%
      A paper published in international Journal, 3 paper presentations,Leadership skills
      Thank U everyone!!
    1. kalyan4690's Avatar
      kalyan4690 -
      kindly evaluate my profile
      GRE- 287
      B.Tech in civil engineering- 75%
      Are there any chances of getting admission for Fall 2013
      If yes please suggest top 4 universities which suit best of my profile
    1. kalyan4690's Avatar
      kalyan4690 -
      kindly evaluate my profile
      GRE- 287
      B.Tech in civil engineering- 75%
      Are there any chances of getting admission for Fall 2013
      If yes please suggest top 4 universities which suit best of my profile
    1. guttakc's Avatar
      guttakc -
      Please help me

      My GRE score is 297, AWA :3.0
      Academics :
      10th - 89%
      Inter - 93.4%
      B.Tech - 6.5/10

      I will take my toefl on 14thApril.

      is there any possiblity for applying in this fall. All the documents are ready.

      Please suggest me some good universities with rolling deadlines.

      Thank you
    1. y.azizi's Avatar
      y.azizi -
      Hi there, please suggest some universities in electrical engineering, control systems.
      I have both BS and MS in EE and want to apply for "direct phd" to US universities. i mean i want to study another MS leading to PhD.
      would you please help by listing some colleges having and allowing this item. here are my detail:
      BS GPA: 16.12 / 20, top 5%
      MS GPA: 15.85 / 20
      TOEFL: 79
      GRE: 303(ver:143, quant:160)
      8 Teacher Assistantships
      I started to teach at university as invited lecturer from 2009.
      I in accompany with my adviser wrote and published a book for college students.
      familiar with many but Proficient in 2 engineering software.
      so many practical accomplishments with some awards.
      i have 2 conference papers and am working on 3 journal papers.
      i have almost 6 excellent recommendations letters.
      it would be your kindness to inform me about the universities that i may be eligible for and should apply.
      best wishes.
    1. 9959457759's Avatar
      9959457759 -
      I am expecting 305 score. 1oth-91%, 12th-96.7,Btech 73%. Actually I am from mechanical background but I want to do my graduation in Computers.Are below universities are safe for me?
      Texas Dallas
      Texas Arlington
      wright state university
      University of Central MIssouri.
    1. y.azizi's Avatar
      y.azizi -
      would u plz suggest 10 universities based on my profile.
      (bachelor)GPA :16.12 out of 20
      (master) GPA : 15.85 out of 20
      TOEFL: 79
      GRE: 303
      one published book
      2 conference papers
      Teaching at the university and laboratories.: since 2009 to present
      8 teaching assistant ship
      work experience: 2 year
      internship experience: 12 month
      field expected: electrical engineering, control systems and robotic
    1. VISHAL159's Avatar
      VISHAL159 -
      respected sir/mam,

      i want the information regarding admission in phd in pharmacy program as international student.
      i have completed my master in pharmacy in pharmaceutics with 7.58cpi.
      and now i am preparing for gre and toefl.

      please suggest some universities..
      also, what are the eligibility criteria, admission procedure and deadlines for fall2013 and spring2014...?

      waiting for your reply.

      thank you.

      vishal parmar
    1. kumardanab's Avatar
      kumardanab -
      hello friend suggest me some universiites which offer MS/Phd in biological sciences
      my gre=276
      It will be better if you help me choose out universities in and around california.I want to apply for fall 2013.if not for spring2014.
    1. Harish Ana's Avatar
      Harish Ana -
      Hi friends ! I am Harish..Just finished my Bachelor's in Computer science. I would like to join MS(Management Information science(MIS)) for this spring 2014 intake.. Can u pls suggest me some universities(especially Computer science-MIS) which matches my profile soon?
      My profile
      GRE - 298 ( Quants-154, verbal - 144)
      IELTS - 7
      CGPA - 80 % overall
      10th - 86.8 ( maths-99/100)
      12th- 93.33(maths-199/200)
      Working in a software concern .
      I am looking for colleges like:
      1.Auburn univ
      2.carnegie mellon
      3.University of Pittsburgh
      4.University of Illinois-Chicago
      5.Oregon State University
      6.Missouri University of Science & Technology
      pls send me your suggestions also if there is some more good univ's soon.
      mail- harish.stealheart@gmail.com
    1. Harish Ana's Avatar
      Harish Ana -
      Hi friends ! I am Harish..Just finished my Bachelor's in Computer science. I would like to join MS(Management Information science(MIS)) for this spring 2014 intake.. Can u pls suggest me some universities(especially Computer science-MIS) which matches my profile soon?
      My profile
      GRE - 298 ( Quants-154, verbal - 144)
      IELTS - 7
      CGPA - 80 % overall
      10th - 86.8 ( maths-99/100)
      12th- 93.33(maths-199/200)
      Working in a software concern .
      I am looking for colleges like:
      1.Auburn univ
      2.carnegie mellon
      3.University of Pittsburgh
      4.University of Illinois-Chicago
      5.Oregon State University
      6.Missouri University of Science & Technology
      pls send me your suggestions also if there is some more good univ's soon.
      mail- harish.stealheart@gmail.com
    1. rpreethi's Avatar
      rpreethi -
      10%= 82.1
      12%= 91.3
      b-tech= 73.4(till date- 4-1 sem)
      gre= 289
      ielts= 6
      awa= 3

      kindly dujjest me the universities for applying to FALL 2013
    1. deepti's Avatar
      deepti -
      hi. . . i hav done my btech in ECE with 69%
      GRE 288.5
      toefel 76
      please suggest me some universities universities for spring 2013
    1. vvsaucse's Avatar
      vvsaucse -
      Hello Friends - I am Subbu. I am looking out for options for further studies i.e. MS in US. Below is a snap shot of my profile.

      Name : Subrahmanyam Vadlamani
      Engineering : B.Tech (Andhra University - CSE) - Aggregate -75%
      10th - 83% , 12th - 95 %
      Work Ex - 7 years in TCS.

      GRE : 326 (Q - 170, V- 156) and IELTS - 7.5

      Looking for MS in Analytics (Data Science) courses

      Thanks and REgards
    1. Mohan rang's Avatar
      Mohan rang -
      Please provide evaluation for this profile.

      Project in RANE brake ltd and in Nanolubrication.

      I like to apply industrial engg in the following univ

      Arizona state univ
      Univ of Florida
      Sunny buffalo

      and the exception is

      Clemson (automobile)

      Kindly let me know whether it is feasible to get admission in these univ

      Please expedite ur reply.

    1. anku23687's Avatar
      anku23687 -
      Please evaluate my profile according to few unvi I have selected
      gre-317 quant-167,verb-150
      ielts - 7

      I hace done BE in electronics and comm engg
      Have a 2.8 year of work exp with infosys
      active participant in various dance and dramatic events
      done a few computer langg certifications as well

      i want to do MS in communication and computer networks from USA and east coast is preference
      Please suggest universities
      i will be applying for Spring 2014
    1. mukul1330's Avatar
      mukul1330 -
      Hello Sir,
      Please evaluate my profile and suggest me some good universities
      gre-298 quant-162,verb-136.AWA 3
      toefl- yet to give expecting around 90
      undergrad-60.2%(Pune University)
      Job Exp.-3 Years

      I am thinking to retake GRE. Please suggest what will be suitable GRE score for the profile mentioned above

      Also suggest should i retake GRE or not?
    1. nagu's Avatar
      nagu -
      hi...i completed my b.pharmacy in andhrauniversity with cgpa 6.86, i want to do m.s in u.s, please suggest me the branch which is hacing good career in us after completion of ms & also suggest me some universities for applying during gre exam.
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