• Suggest Some universities for my Profile

    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 82 percent.
    intermediate - 77 %
    B.Tech computer science - 62% with 11 backlogs
    GRE- 287 (v-139 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??

    lamar state university
    university of mary hardin-baylor
    eastern illionois univesity
    university of illinois springfeild
    fairleigh dickinson university
    university of dayton
    university of new mexico highlands
    oklahoma city university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    university of central missouri
    st marys university

    You can choose:

    university of central Missouri - Low fee and sure shot admit
    Lamar university
    eastern michigan university(MIS)
    eastern illionois university
    Comments 278 Comments
    1. swetcha's Avatar
      swetcha -
      my gre score 298(q-158;v-140) acads-5.6( 2 bl); ielts -6;
      i short listed these universities
      3.university of texas, tyler
      4.university of san antonio
      5.university of housten main campus
      could you tell me which of those are safe and moderate for my profile and suggest some universities that suits my profile
    1. potluri's Avatar
      potluri -
      please evaluate my profile..
      gre 291 awa 3
      ielts 6
      acads 72 %
      major CS
      what are the chances for getting into univ of central missouri, north west missouri state university, bradley university, indiana state university, univ of missouri kansas city
    1. chandana's Avatar
      chandana -

      please suggest universities for my profile... gre-290 quant 150 verbal 140

      10th 80%
      intermediate 85%
      btech 74% with 1 backlog and cleared it next attempt...

      want to pursue in ee

      and i have a doubt .. can i apply 2 univ for ee and 2 for cs
    1. pradeep014's Avatar
      pradeep014 -
      Hello Sir,
      Please evaluate my profile according to few unvi I have selected
      gre-304 quant-162,verb-142
      undergrad-58.3% backlogs 13

      Unvi which I have thought for are.

      1. illinois inst of technology,chicago west
      2. illinois state university,springfield
      3. southern illinois university,carbondale
      4. cleveland state university
      5. texas a&m commerce
      6. cal state university,longbeach

      Also suggest some unvi in missouri and illlonois mainly if possible
      Awaiting for your valuable response..
      Thanking you... pradeep
    1. krish60's Avatar
      krish60 -
      Basically I am from ECE.
      And I want to do maters in computer science.
      Btech 60%
      Gre 288
      Ielts 6
      which are the univ best suits my profile with medium cost and good part times
      what are the universities available for my profile
    1. 1234's Avatar
      1234 -
      I got GRE-279
      Btech MEch- 64.5%,
      3yrs exp in Aerostructures field
      I am planning to do MS in US in Mechanical this fall'14
      Suggest me some Good State universities with good funding that suits my profile.
      Or else should i retake GRE once again
    1. nghtrdr's Avatar
      nghtrdr -
      can u plz evaluate my profile with the follwing info
      10th- 82%
      12th- 76.5%
      btech- 68.7% with13 back logs
      gre yet to be taken -expected 290
      toefl "" "" "" "" -"" 80

      and i request you to plz suggest me some good university with low cost of living .....
    1. shruthi13's Avatar
      shruthi13 -
      Hello! I need some help regarding the universities that i can apply to..
      My Profile:
      GRE: 305 (V: 146, Q: 159)
      TOEFL: yet to take
      B.Tech : 8.59 (Major: Computer Science)

      I was planning to apply for Fall 2014 to
      1. ASU
      2. SUNY Buffalo
      3. University of Florida, Gainesville
      4. San Jose State University
      5. Indian University Bloomington

      What are my chances and can you please suggest me any other universities?
      Thank you
    1. Sainikhil's Avatar
      Sainikhil -
      hi sir,please evaluate my profile and suggest me sure shot universities for MS in telecommunication engineering
      Undergraduate (ECE)-67.2% (5 backlogs)
    1. india's Avatar
      india -
      My profile
      10th 81%
      Inter 95.5%
      Ug%(ece) 73.94%(4bl)
      Gre. V:144 q:147;awa:2.5
      Plz suggest me some universities plz
      For ms in ee r ms in cs(spring2014)
    1. aditi9989's Avatar
      aditi9989 -
      Work experience-1 year
      AW-3 expected

      Graduate in chem engg

      Uni of South California
      T A&M uni
      Uni of Virginia
      Michigan State Uni
    1. SPRING14's Avatar
      SPRING14 -
      suggest universities for SPRING 2014 intake - CS or Masters in Information Systems

      gre - 291
      btech 71 (3)
      ielts 6.5
    1. eashan's Avatar
      eashan -
      hello sir
      my gre is 286,my ielts is 7.5 n my b.tech aggregate is 73% ,intermediate 78%,X class 82%. can i get admission in university of texas,tyler and university of houston clear lake,southern illinois edwardswille.
    1. surya1's Avatar
      surya1 -
      haiii admin,
      this is surya frm hyd, and i'm planning for 2014 summer intake in the US and this is my profile.
      b.pharmacy-74.7% without backlogs
      GRE-yet to be taken(expected score 290-300)
      do i have a chance to get in in summer 2014,if so can you pls recommend some unis.

      thank you.
    1. Shrey0531's Avatar
      Shrey0531 -
      hello friends, I am shrey..
      10th: 76%
      12th 65%
      B.E.(computer science) : 69%
      GRE : 302 (Q-158; V-144)
      Toefl : 88
      please do suggest some univs as per my profile, i'll be really grateful to you..
    1. sai chand's Avatar
      sai chand -
      hello friends suggest me some university from us
      my profile is 10th 63%
      inter 64%
      btech 56%
      gre 289
      tofel 70
    1. sb482's Avatar
      sb482 -
      hello can u please evaluate my profile
      ielts yet to take expecting 6
      im planning for next fall 2014,can u please suggest me some of the universities for my profile with low tution fee
    1. krajput's Avatar
      krajput -
      hi..can you please suggest univs for my profile..
      Gre 304 (q158 v146)
      Toefl 98
      Acads 55% (12 backlogs) Mumbai univ.
      10th 79.46%
      12th 68.67%
      1 month internship in a startup.
      decent extracurricular activities and sports .

      i want to do MS in CS with specialization in multimedia.
      i have found these 4
      California state univ fullerton
      univ of southern cal viterbi
      depaul univ
      stevens inst of tech.

      what are my chances for getting an admit in these 4 and any other universities suitable for my profile??
    1. kaustubh22's Avatar
      kaustubh22 -
      sir, i have a gre score of 292,expecting toefl 95
      my 10th percentage 74
      12th 62%
      btech e&tc 59% with drop
      looking for ms in business analytics fall 2014
      kindly suggest me some universities
      i have 6 months of experience at videocon industries uptil now.
    1. SiriSAr's Avatar
      SiriSAr -
      hi want to apply for fall 2014 my gre 284 ielts 5.5 under graduation 73% suggest me some univ
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