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    I have a score of 307 ( 148 V, 159 Q, 4.0 AWM ) in GRE and 102 (L 28, R 26, S 24, W 24) in TOEFL.
    I have scored 62.6% in engineering (Mechanical) from pune university. Also i have an internship of 3 months from TATA motors.
    I want to do MS in engineering management ( IE, OR, Production, design - any1 ).
    Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls suggest some good universities. Eagerly waiting for ur reply.
    Btw thanx for taking out sometime and reading it. I must say.u are doing a fantastic work. Hats off
  2. View Conversation
    Hi boss,

    I scored verbal:143, quants:159 toefl:97 nd gpa:6.71 applying for fall-2013. I wanted to pursue my MS in signal processing.My consultancy have suggested me university of Dayton.
    Please suggest me is the university good in all prospects. My major concerns are career placement and cost of living.
    Awaiting your reply.
    Thanks in advance.
  3. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay,
    I am applying for UNT denton through , I have to enter High school and Post secondary college information. In Andhra Pradesh State 11th n 12th are considered as Jr College so Shall I put this as Post secondary ? or High school ? . I am confused as to if I dont put intermediate as post secondary then should I have to put this as my high school in that case I wont be able to enter my school (10th) information as it has only one field for high school.
    Kindly requesting you assistance in clarifying clearly the demarkation of post secondary and high school in andhra pradesh (Ind) education in accordance with USA.

    Thanks and Regards
    Adil Raza Mohammad
  4. View Conversation
    hi ajay,
    hows this California State University, Chico??
  5. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay ,
    warm greetings ..
    m manasa
    Pls suggest me as m planning for fall and not given gre yt ,plnng oto gv on feb 1st week
    will it be possible to get admissions? in state univs
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    HI ajay, greetings . I'm sai Krishna kakumanu. I've got admits for both ULL and TAMUC. And I'm now in Lafayette . I got visa for univ of Louisiana at Lafayette in ee. and my desired branch is cs . I got it in TAMUC. And here the international students reached to 30 (only Indians) . hence there will be no chance of changing the branch . so give me your valuable suggestion . Is TAMUC is worthy or better to be here in ULL. Give me your response soon . All the orientation dates are arriving . Pls respond as soon as u see this message . Thanking you.
  7. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay,

    Happy New Year

    Please guide

    I am planning for Fall 2013. I have not given GRE yet, taken the date of 19th Feb and TOEFL 24th Feb. My counseller is taking care of the packets.
    I have a budget of at the max - 35 Lacs ( Living+ Fooding+ College Fees. Cannot extend after this). My counseller is suggesting me for private universities but I have heard that private universities are costly and with my budget, I wont be able to suffice in this. I have asked my counseller to search for state university but he made me tensed by saying that ranks for the state university are just average.
    I am planning for state universities, requesting you if you could you please provide me some state universities which are within my budget and also could you please guide me if I have made a right decision of going to State University or I shall still prefer to Private ?

    My target GRE score range is 300-310.
    TOEFL target score - 90-100

    Thanks all
  8. View Conversation
    GRE - Quantitative :- 158 Verbal :- 145 Total-303 A.W.A :- Awaited (expected above 4)
    TOEFL - 96

    1.4 years work experience as Systems Engineer- Infosys Limited
    B.Tech in Computer Science - 74%
    12th :- 79%

    I had sent my scores to the following Universities through ETS for MIS Course :-
    1. Texas A&M, College Station
    2. University of Arizona
    3. NJIT
    4. SUNY, Buffalo

    hoping to apply in:-
    1. University of Florida
    2. University of South Florida
    3. Pennsylvania State University.

    I had also seen some post here with similar kind of scores in GRE as mine where people were recommended to apply in University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). But when i checked UTD's site, they ask for 320 score. What exactly is the real picture?

    Please evaluate the above mentioned profile and guide me. Which are the other Universities (*Good*) in which i can apply?
    Should i give GRE again as i was hoping to get at least 310 . My TOEFL seems fine to me.

    Sidharath Roy
  9. View Conversation
    hai bro

    i m adithya

    i have short listed following universities to apply for fall 2013 in civil (structures)

    lousiana state university-baton rouge
    university of north carolina-charlet
    university of flourida-gainsville
    university of oaklhoma-norman
    missouri institute of sci & technology-rolla
    west virginia university

    gre :300 quant -166 ver-134 awa -2.0

    ielts -7.0

    under graduate-- 72%

    is there a chance of getting admission

    please reply me as early as possible
  10. Hai Ajay... Warm Greetings.. Im Siri...
    Im in need of help.. please help me... I have applied for spring 2013. GRE 284, IELTS 5.5. UnderGraduate(ECE) with 67%.
    Im going to apper for visa interview within 15 days. what are the questions I can expect at the time of interview regarding university(TEXAS A&M, Kingsville)? I got a conditional admit(Texas A&M)..
    I have 6 backlogs(actually 4, 2 subjects are double attempted). so, Is their any chance for me to get my visa approved??
    Sirisha Lankela
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About cherukuri_ajay

Basic Information

About cherukuri_ajay
Location/City: Jacksonville, Florida
Term Applying: Fall 2015
Degree Applying: PhD
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 154
GRE Quant: 163
TOEFL Score: 94
IELTS Score: 0.0
GMAT Score: 610
Current Degree and Major: MS in Management Information Systems
Universities Applied
University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied


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University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied
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