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  1. View Conversation
    can you please tell me financial aid of Lawrence Technological University (LTU),michigan with detail.. it's too urgent ..
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    hello sir please reply on the post
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    I have heard that university of southern Mississippi have 2 campuses ,one at Hattiesburg and other at gulf coast
    which one is better for ms in cs?
    thanks in advance
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    I have done my B.E (Mech.) Passed out with a GPA of 9.27/10. Given my GRE in Jan 2010 and got a score of 1240/1600 (quant-800, verbal-440, AWA-3). Toefl in Sept 2010 -107/120. SSC-89.5%. intermediate- 95.3%

    Got admit from UC,San Diego in Mechanical Engg. but was not sure of funding at that time due to the slowdown in research and other related issue. So , I have taken up the Job in Hindustan Petroleum as Operations Officer and by date completed 1 year of service.

    Now I want to go for MS with this workex. But I'm in a dilemma as to which major to choose what are the prospects for different majors, also do i need to give GRE again ?
    My focus is on Pipeline Engineering or Mechanical Engineering as Im in the field of Oil industry logistics and Pipeline maintenance wing. Is there any other major which would help me ??
    Does Petroleum Engineering involves chemical engineering subjects??
    Pls let me know....

    Thanks in Advance... !!
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    My stepfather will be my financial support for two years in us. What is the process he has to do, what are documents he has to submit? Please let me know. Its getting late.

    Thanks in advance.
  6. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay Anna
    My GRE score was 291/340
    Verbal :136
    Quant :155

    IELTS : 7 bands with no sub score below 6.5

    I am a final year civil engineering student

    My X % 89.8
    12th % 88.2

    MY acads till date are 78.% (no back logs)

    Do i have any chance of getting into any of these universities with my profile for pursuing MS in Civil Engineering in Construction Engineering
    University of Texas Arlington
    University of Kentucky
    University of north carolina charlottee
    George Mason University
    Oklahoma state University

    Please help me
  7. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay,
    Kindly evaluate my profile. It will be really helpful. Thanks in advance.

  8. View Conversation
    sir, can i know the top universities in U.S for aerospace or aeronautical engineering and can i download the barron's gre word list? .ty.
  9. View Conversation
    I am studying final year of B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering(E.C.E) from A.N.U
    1.)My 10th % is 78% nd 12th % is 80.6%
    3.) My Graduate % up to third year is 59 % (4 backlogs-all cleared now)
    4.)My U.G Projects : a.) Configurinng RFID reader to 8051 Micro Controller using RS-232 Serial Communication
    b.) GSM Embedded based Automatic Irrigation control System using ARM Micro Controller
    5) Extra Activities
    a.) Presented a paper "RFID Technologies in Indian Scenario" in National level Fest in Osmania University
    b.) prsented a paper "RFID in Electronic Toll Collection" in our college for Engineering Day celebrations
    c.) Attend to Two Days International Student Conference on " VLSI/ Embedded Systems" held in Hyderabad-2012
    d.) Represented our College as Member in “IETE Student Forum” for 2012-2013*

    6.) Exam Scores : GRE 295,AWA : 3.0 ( expecting)
    Tofel is planning to take as soon as possible

    Plz sugst some of the Universties which suits to My profile thanq.
  10. View Conversation
    Hi Ajay,
    I am shashank. I am new to the forum. I wanted to ask which are good branches of specilisation for an telecommunication engg. and which are good universities in US.
    How is robotics stream for specilisation??
    Please reply.
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About cherukuri_ajay

Basic Information

About cherukuri_ajay
Location/City: Jacksonville, Florida
Term Applying: Fall 2015
Degree Applying: PhD
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 154
GRE Quant: 163
TOEFL Score: 94
IELTS Score: 0.0
GMAT Score: 610
Current Degree and Major: MS in Management Information Systems
Universities Applied
University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied


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University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied
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