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    Hai Ajay,

    I have got admits into CSU-Fullerton as well as CSU-northridge................................which university would you suggest for electrical engineering programme out of these two??????i know both are same...................but still i am banking on your opinion??Kindly awaiting your reply.
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    hi ajay,
    my score is 298/340 whats my status? i think its around 1100/1600 on old scale......i want to do chip designing(vlsi designs) where can i get info about colleges? can i get good colleges with my score?plzzz help me..... i dont know anything about universities which provide chipdesigning :-(
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    hi ajay,

    this is srikanth , iam going write my gre test in augst 1st, is the time sufficient for me to apply for this january., and i would like to do my masters in EE .and i had 2 backlogs ,although i completed them befor my btech, is there any problm with my backlogs, and my btech perctng is 65%.,and can you list out some universities for electrial eng.
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    Please reply me
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    Dear Ajay,

    Can you please help me with the S.O.P Formats for civil engg
    and also i have 21 backlogs , shall i write a letter to the univ persons regarding this, saying i have backlogs only from 1st year and only 5backlogs are related to my course.

    and can u suggest any univ for me,for ms in civil engg , 65% , IELTS 6.0, GRE 710

    Please respond me as early as possible. i already missed fall intake.

    Thanks in adv
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    hai i attempted visa 6 times.My latest interview was held on 8th june 2012 and this time also my visa was rejected.And in that interview, visa officer is an indian and told me that i wont get visa for doing masters in usa and told me to try for masters in other countries and i dont know what to do next.I dont want to ruin my life plz can i again apply for visa interview again for masters in usa plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz suggest me the good one plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.And i got admission in texas a&m university gre - 1040, toefl - 90, btech% - contact no - +919000261864
  7. hii ..this is ssc score 86% and inter 90% amd btech 65%(no backlog hisory)
    my gre score 295..which university will accept my profile in pittsburgh area.....
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    hi anna i need to know which university is better HOUSTON CLEARLAKE or WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY...i choose UHCL & paid my visa fees but again ended up in confusion WKU or UHCL? which is the top among them? which university has higher visa acceptance rate>? pls reply urgently....thank you
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    hi ajay....what i should say if they ask me why you changed the universities three different times...? i was rejected twice for the term spring 2012 1st time tamu commerce,2nd time university of south alabama.....214b....i dont know whats the exact reason for rejecting the visa.....they just interviewed me for 30sec normally asking the scores till now(my gre score is 960(720 Q,240 E) new gre scores are 287(156,131),ielts 6.5,ug score 68.64 no backlogs) and gave me 214b letter.....not even checking the single document of i have visa appointment on 8th of this month....can anyone help me out what all quetions they are going to ask for 3rd time....on wichita state university...
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    Hi guys can anyone plz tell me is University of Denver a good choice for MS finance???
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About cherukuri_ajay

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About cherukuri_ajay
Location/City: Jacksonville, Florida
Term Applying: Fall 2015
Degree Applying: PhD
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 154
GRE Quant: 163
TOEFL Score: 94
IELTS Score: 0.0
GMAT Score: 610
Current Degree and Major: MS in Management Information Systems
Universities Applied
University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied


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University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
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