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    Hey Ajay
    Urgent suggestion needed!
    I have received admits at CMU and JHU for Masters in computational biology and Masters in Bioinformatics respectively. Now I am really confused since CMU s the best for CS and JHU the best for Biology. I plan to join Biotech industry after my MS so am looking for a univ which would be good for me to get a good job in computational biology/ bioinformatics.
    Pleasee help!!
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    hi Ajay,

    My gre score is 305 - (verbal 146) quant (159) AW 2.5
    i am yet to give my toefl
    btech - 74% ( one backlog) mechanical engineering
    12th - 94%
    10th - 82.5%
    Work exp - 5years (Software developer)

    i want to do ms in comp science(mech engg in btech).
    i am considering University of Missouri, kansas city. will i get admission ? aid? will they ask me to take some per-requisites ?
    Can u suggest me some more universities, where i can get some aid ?
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    Gre Score:

    Quants: 153
    AW: 3
    Toefl: 93

    1 Year WORK EXPERIENCE- Manufacturing sector

    I have applied to the fow universities, Fall-2012:
    Texas A&M University(College Station- Mech Engg
    University of oklahoma-Petroleum Engg
    Oklahoma State University- Mech Engg

    Pl respond on which univ i would be able to get. Or the universities that i can apply for Spring if i don get admit this time.
  4. View Conversation

    I got an admit from Missouri S&T in Aerospace Engg.Could u pls elaborate a bit on d future job prospects after completion of MS. Also how good is d univ for doing PhD?
  5. View Conversation
    Hello Sir , I got an admit from San Francisco State University . I had applied for MS in Energy Systems .Now , Please tell me how is this university .
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    Profile evaluation
    Hi ,

    My GRE score is 292 and toefl ibt is 89 .I completed my MBA with 7.8 GPA and have 2yrs of work experience with one promotion.Since I am in New Jersey (dependent visa) i want to get into nearby universities. Please suggest some safe universities in New jersey,New York and PA. My area of interest is product management,MS or MBA with concentration in marketing/market research/service marketing/project management/pharmaceutical mgmnt
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    Prifile Evaluation & Advise
    Hello Sir,

    Please evaluate my profile and give advise. I had posted on forum but there are so many views without any advise in reply.

    B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering from Punjab Technical University (73%).
    GRE - 1100 (Q - 750, V - 350, Analytical writing - 3.5)
    TOEFL - 86 (R - 18, L - 20, S - 23, W - 25)
    Presently working in VW India since last 3 years. Total Work Ex - 6 years

    I have applied for 6 universities for fall 2012
    1. Clemson University - MS - Automobile Engineering
    2. Texas Tech - MS - Industrial Engineering
    3. Oklahoma State - MS - Industrial Engineering
    4. Rochester Institute - MS - Industrial Engineering
    5. Lousiana State - MS - Industrial Engineering
    6. McGill, Canada - MS - Manufacturing Management

    What are my chances of getting admit in these universities especially Clemson?
    Is this a fair university selection or you have any recommendation for applying to other university?
    Any chances of financial aid?
  8. View Conversation
    hello jagruth....
    my visa was rejected twice for spring planning to give another attempt for fall 2012.....
    my profile
    60.33 btech with 5 backlogs 2010 passout..........
    7 months work exp in a bpo
    gre-1010(690 Q, 320 v)
    toefl 94
    applied visa on UHCL - EM
    .....can u suggest what should i do to have a better chances this time....
    i mean what changes should i make to have abetter profile....
    i was planing to improve GRE score...and im working in an engineering college as a assistant professor since december 19th....
    eagerly waiting for ur reply sir....
  9. View Conversation
    hi gre score is 291/340..acad is 72%..i hav aplled to the univ;s through a consultancy..he sent all my documents correctly..except the bank statement..he kept my grand father name instead my father name and my father name instead of my name..plz reply wat to do now urgent..
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    can u let me know about LTU
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About cherukuri_ajay

Basic Information

About cherukuri_ajay
Location/City: Jacksonville, Florida
Term Applying: Fall 2015
Degree Applying: PhD
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 154
GRE Quant: 163
TOEFL Score: 94
IELTS Score: 0.0
GMAT Score: 610
Current Degree and Major: MS in Management Information Systems
Universities Applied
University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied


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University 1: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Carnegie Mellon University
Status of Univ 2: Applied
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